For reduced machine length and added manoeuvrability, choose the HX130LCR. Its shorter tail swing profile helps you work in confined areas without sacrificing performance. The HX130LCR is ideal for roadwork, railroad right of way, bridge areas and urban job sites. And when it comes to performance and productivity, the engine and hydraulic system of the HX130LCR are unbeatable. It has a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) equipped engine to deliver optimum power and fuel efficiency.
Viewable on the monitor is the Hyundai-exclusive AAVM – or All-Around View Monitoring –, an optional system that provides a 360°-surround virtual operating view. The included AAVM is the IMOD (Intelligent Moving Object Detection) system that senses and warns the operator when objects come within 5m of the machine. The AAVM system helps make the Hyundai HX130LCR among the safest excavators to operator on any jobsite.